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The first signs of aging are often evident in the lower face and upper neck. The jawline may show drooping skin that is not as tight as it was just a few years earlier. Smile and marionette lines can become deeper around the nose and mouth with more pronounced jowls. When the first aging signs appear, a full facelift may not be required to rejuvenate the face. Be That Beautiful™ Plastic Surgery performs mini facelift surgery at our Beverly Hills clinic.

What Is a Mini Facelift?

A full facelift uses larger incisions hidden in the hairline around the ear to lift the skin and tissues and remove excess skin. While a facelift can erase 10 years or more from the face, it does require a few weeks of recovery. A mini facelift surgery is designed for patients with minimal sagging skin and tissue that want to retain a younger appearance. It uses smaller incisions, and it is less invasive, requiring a much shorter recovery time.

Am I a Good Candidate for a Mini Facelift?

The mini or “weekend” facelift is appropriate for patients with minimal sagging tissue in their jowls and upper neck. This procedure is perfect to maintain a younger appearance for patients that do not need a full facelift. Patients that are in their forties or early fifties can benefit from a weekend facelift to minimize sagging in the lower face. Most patients can return to their normal activities within a few days, and there is less bruising and swelling than a more aggressive facelift procedure.

Facelift surgery can slow the evidence of aging on the face, but it does not stop the process. A mini facelift can be the first step to managing signs of aging, delaying the need for a full facelift for several more years to retain a more youthful appearance.

If you are noticing aging signs around your jawline, neck and lower face, a mini facelift surgery may be the solution you need to maintain a youthful look. To learn more about facial rejuvenation procedures, contact our team at Be That Beautiful™ Plastic Surgery in Los Angeles to book your facelift consultation today.

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